Monday, August 3, 2009

HIGHLY Recommended Reading...

I can't begin to tell you how much this book has changed my outlook on life! Seriously! It one of the most highly recommended books for any single young person!!! Also for Pastors and Youth Leaders!!!
This book is not written by Apostolics but should be read by every Apostolic Young Person! No it not another "Dating" book of do this do that kinda thing. This book is different, it's amazing!!!
I'm right now rereading it again for who know how many times I have read it now! LOL Written by a husband and wife team, the book is written for both guys and gals, easy reading and worth the time and efford!!!

So what the book already...

"When God Writes Your Love Story"

By Eric & Leslie Ludy

You can buy this anywhere, Barnes and Nobles, Christian Book stores, local book stores! Believe me it worth the money and time.
My only request is you read it with a open mind, and listen with your heart. These words are right on!!!
Then let me know what you think! Comment!!!
Happy Reading,


  1. This book has been in my collection for years, and I agree a great perspective-changing book!

  2. i have this book.... good stuff! i also Love "passion and purity" by elisabeth elliot
