Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Heritage 2009

Heritage 2009 was incredible!!! I can't even begin to share how cool it really was!!! Please comment! Click on the link below to see pics! I can't seem to get it to show the slide show in my blog. ~ Jac ~

Heritage 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jac Quote

I love quotes, no doubt about it. But I want to share with you some of my favorite "Jac Quotes"! LOL

"Do and Succeed, Don't and Fail." ~ Jac

"You are a dork!" ~Jac

"God will never give you more then you can handle, sometimes He gives you just enough to break you so that He makes you stronger and show you that He is your strength." ~Jac

"Oh I forgot Davy, you have to be FAMILY to get the discount!" ~Jac

"Wounds and Scars can be the same in many ways, they tell a story, they show suffering and they can be all different kinds of wounds and scars. They also can be very different; one shows that you’re still in pain the other shows healing." ~Jac

"You can't come without shoes on." also "Where are your shoes?" ~Jac

"Yes that is my real hair and no I don't want to donate it. I like it this way." ~Jac

"Yes, that's my little piece of junk isn't she beautiful." ~Jac

"I'm tired!" ~Jac

"Me talk to much. I don't talk to much, I mean I love talking, but I don't think I talk TOO MUCH. I mean if I have something to say why keep quiet. I love telling everyone about what is going on. I know sometimes I tell you 3 or 4 or 5 times well may 10 times but it worth telling you about. But seriously, I don't talk to much..." (Due to not enough space in this blog I was unable to continue this quote. Please ask Jac another time to quote this in real life!)

That's all that I can think of right now! Have a great quote day!


Monday, July 13, 2009

The Animal Tag Game ~ Duck ~

Just for the record, my work started this!!! In a meeting, we were asked what animal best describes ourselves at work. I said a duck, yes a duck! I'll explain!!!

I am most like a duck because...

I often let things roll off my back like "Water off a Duck's Back"

I love kids and love playing follow the leader or marching or whatever fun thing from one place to the next! My little Ducklings!!!

When everything around me is going crazy, or if I am really nervous, I will look calm as can be. BUT underneath the water my little feet are going a million miles an hour!!!!

But last and most of all...
I'm all quack and no bite!!!

I can quack when I'm happy, quack when I'm sad, I quack because I'm tired, frustrated, excited or whatever! I love to quack but I'm not very dangerous!!!

Ok but I only know a few people on blog! So I guess it ends here!

Rules to play when tagged-
1. Mark in title the animal you describe yourself as
2. Name the characteristics of this animal that you think you display
3. Post at least one picture of the animal
4. Post at least one picture of YOU displaying one of those animal characteristics
5. Tag six more people/notify to them that they have been tagged
6. Copy/paste the rules to the game at the bottom of your post!

Yes a new blog

Ok so I have wanted to set this up for some time. I used to have a fun blog but it was on Xanga but no one could comment. so I've kinda forgotten about it. So I decided to put one that just pics and stuff!

Nothing normal ever happens to me! If it rains it pours with me! If something sorta crazy happens to another, something even crazier happens to me! Like I could tell you stories about me and cops, no I've never been arrested or done anything bad! But I could tell you stories about being pulled over for small traffic things and have crazy things happen! LOL Like making an officer cry, being asked on a date, pulled over for driving too slow following Grandma and so much more!!! LOL I can tell tales of things that happen at work on an overnight. LLOL adventures and so on!!! Nothing is ever normal with me!!!

So I figure I share my adventures, my rant and raves, my late night blogging and who knows what else with me!

Enjoy it,