Monday, July 13, 2009

Yes a new blog

Ok so I have wanted to set this up for some time. I used to have a fun blog but it was on Xanga but no one could comment. so I've kinda forgotten about it. So I decided to put one that just pics and stuff!

Nothing normal ever happens to me! If it rains it pours with me! If something sorta crazy happens to another, something even crazier happens to me! Like I could tell you stories about me and cops, no I've never been arrested or done anything bad! But I could tell you stories about being pulled over for small traffic things and have crazy things happen! LOL Like making an officer cry, being asked on a date, pulled over for driving too slow following Grandma and so much more!!! LOL I can tell tales of things that happen at work on an overnight. LLOL adventures and so on!!! Nothing is ever normal with me!!!

So I figure I share my adventures, my rant and raves, my late night blogging and who knows what else with me!

Enjoy it,

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